BIG NEWS! SkildLabs has officially partnered with Alison to release a series of courses on the topics of data analytics and data visualization! I am super excited, as I have a personal backstory about Alison 😊
As some of you might know, I graduated high school from Nord Anglia Education in China. At the time, I was exploring universities in the United States as my next step, which normally require SATs. However, I was studying International Baccalaureate (IB), which as a program does not cover the SAT material or preparation.
I started asking around how I can prepare for the SATs online and get resources. Luckily, a teacher of mine, who was British told me “Have you heard of Alison? They have free online courses on any topic”, so I created an account and there it was “SAT Math Exam”, the first course I ever took online.
This was 2011 and I still have my certificate today. When the Alison folks reached out to me, I immediately remembered the name and recalled the little memory.
As with any exciting project, I look forward to our future collaboration in providing free access to high-quality education!
The SkildLabs and Alison Course Portfolio
You can see all of our available courses below. There will be more to come, so stay tuned. Feel free to share this page with friends and colleagues, who are just starting out their journey in data visualization.
Introduction to Data Visualization

What does SkildLabs do?
At SkildLabs, we understand the value of upskilling and education, which is why we create tailored learning experiences that empower your employees. If you’ve recognized a skill gap in your organization and you’d like to address it with an engaging, interactive, and customized learning experience, contact SkildLabs today. Our team will work with you to develop an effective curriculum that will equip your staff with the skills your business needs.